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Stable Art Classes and Workshops Cancellation Policy 2020:
1.1. Workshops are non-refundable unless we are able to fill your space. You will not be
entitled to a refund nor will we offer a transfer of your booking unless the space is filled.
1.2. Friends and family may attend in your place for any course. Please provide us with the
names and contact details of anyone attending in your place.
1.3. Courses bought as gifts are subject to the same cancellation policy.
1.4. All our Courses have a minimum attendance level and may be subject to cancellation if
too few bookings are received.
1.5. We reserve the right to cancel or postpone workshops at any time.
2. The Course
2.1. Not all course fees include the cost of materials. If the fee does include all or some
materials it will be stated on our website under the class description.
2.2. You must attend on a punctual basis unless prevented by events which are beyond your
reasonable control. We are unable to delay start times for late arrivals, classes will begin
at the time stated.
3. Your Conduct
3.1. Disruptive behaviour: Abusive or inappropriate behaviour or language, threatening or
disruptive behaviour towards staff or other students will result in you being removed
from the workshop. Your payment will not be reimbursed in this event.
4. How we use your data
4.1. No credit or debit card information will be held by the Stable Art.
4.2. We will not sell your data to any third parties.